First week of school do’s and don’ts

Page Stanberry

The first week of school can be critical. It can be a foreshadowing of how the whole semester is going to go, and you want to start it off with a bang.

Iowa State Daily staffers thought you might like some tips about what you should and should not do during your first week of school.


Print out your syllabus for each class

Whether it be the class attendance policy, expectations for how homework is handed in, or how professors want to be reached, each professor has different expectations. How often you take a look at your syllabus can make or break how successful you are in a certain class.

Find out where your classes are before they start

Your first week in college can be intimidating if you can’t find your classes the first day. Take a walk around campus a day or two before classes start so that you can familiarize yourself with the campus. Maps are posted along many of the sidewalks for your convenience. Although it’s helpful to figure this all out ahead of time, never hesitate to ask someone on campus for help.

Meet people in your classes, including your professors

Having a study buddy in a class is always a plus, even if you only consult each other to make sure you are getting the right work done. It’s important to get to know the people around you. It’s also important to meet your professors and ask them questions whenever you need their help.

Get familiar with CyRide

Even if you generally walk to class, knowing how CyRide works will be helpful. Sometimes you may be in a hurry, and knowing how to use the CyRide app and the different bus routes can save you time and worry.


Skip class

Although syllabus week is easy homework wise, it is important to go to class in case your professor changes something on the syllabus or changes his or her preference in your materials for class.

Get overwhelmed

The first week of class can seem daunting, but if you go to class, take notes and plan accordingly, you will be fine. Everyone is in the same boat as you, so don’t stress out too much.

Sit in the back row

There is an unwritten rule in college that you have an unassigned assigned seat in your classes. Your first week determines where you will sit for the rest of the year. You don’t want to be stuck in the back of a lecture hall, where it is easy to get distracted and lose focus.

Mess with your sleep schedule

Throwing off your sleep schedule can be a problem because it is hard to get back on track. Getting enough sleep is crucial for success in your classes. A lack of sleep can also cause you to start skipping classes.