Brief power outage affects 17 campus buildings

Danielle Gehr

Classes continued in dim and darkened spaces as 17 buildings were left with no power briefly Thursday morning. Emergency power systems continued running.

A relay action at the power plant shutdown a section of the switchgear, causing the outage, according to an email sent out by Facilities Planning and Management Utility Services. 

All power was restored by 10:15 a.m., Jeff Witt, coordinator with Facilities and Planning, wrote in an email. 

A relay is a fuse, or something that protects the switchgear, and shuts down the switchgear when it detects something went wrong, Witt said. Witt said that in this case it was a false action and nothing was actually wrong. 

The outage left the following buildings with out power this morning: General Services, Lagomarcino, Meets Lab, Horsebarn, Ruminant Nutrition, Agronomy Greenhouse, Forker, East, Heady, Ross, Farmhouse, Bessey, Food Science, Hamilton, Landscape Architecture, East Parking Deck and Gerdin.