Police request assistance identifying robbery suspect

By Maggie Curry, [email protected] @MCurryDaily
The robbery was reported at 3:46 a.m. on Wednesday, May 24.
May 24, 2017
Ames police are requesting assistance to identify the suspect in an armed robbery Wednesday.
At 3:46 A.M. on May 24, 2017, an armed robbery was reported to the Ames Police Department that occurred at the Swift Stop located at 3406 Lincoln Way.
The employee at the Swift Stop reported being robbed at gun point by a person he described as a light skinned, black or Hispanic male, 6 feet tall and approximately 190 lbs. The suspect was wearing a dark shirt over a hoodie, blue rubber gloves and a blue or purple bandana partially covering the lower part of his face.
The suspect took an undetermined amount of money from the cash register and 3 packs of cigarettes before leaving the store on foot to the west. The employee was uninjured.
Anyone with information relating to this incident is encouraged to contact the Ames Police Department at 239-5133 or the anonymous tip line, 239-5533. You may also contact Crime Stoppers of Central Iowa at 515-223-1400. Online anonymous tips may be submitted to www.crimestoppersofcentraliowa.com or text a tip, Text “PCCS” plus your message to 274637 (CRIMES).