Letter: Rachel Junck inspires the students and residents


Ames City Council discussed ordinances regarding massage establishments and options to change the name of Squaw Creek at their meeting Nov. 26.

Ross Wilbern

I am excited to support Rachel Junck for Ames City Council Ward 4! It’s critical to have young people involved in their community and Rachel certainly demonstrated her ability to inspire both students and longtime residents, by receiving the most votes for a candidate in Ward 4’s history during the general election. She has passionately made the case for local environmental action, protecting tenants and neighborhoods, and responsible investments into infrastructure that provides the quality of life that will help young people stay connected to Ames and choose to remain in our community. 

As a current student and a lifelong resident, her insights and presence on the City Council will inspire young people to be engaged in Ames. Rachel demonstrated the impact she can have on civic involvement because as a general election candidate, she increased the turnout of voters under the age of 30 from 10 percent in 2015 to about 36 percent in the 2019 election a few weeks ago! 

As a current statewide elected official and former Mayor myself, I feel hopeful about the future of Ames seeing someone so passionate and positive about promoting an inclusive and welcoming community! 

I encourage you to get out and vote for Rachel Junck in the December 3rd run-off election!