Letter: Anti-choice is against what this country was founded upon

Before I continue, I just want to say that my stance on this issue does not represent all pro-choicers’ opinions. I also would like to point out that I find it amazing that the only people who had something negative to say were men who would not get pregnant 100 percent of the time. I would also guess that they are probably not virgins either because many men in society seem to make it their life’s goal to “score” and then would probably go into hiding when their partner gets pregnant.

I also would like to point out the number of nicknames, comments and verbal dialogue from Republicans on campus to get out of this country for my beliefs and you wonder why I am embarrassed to tell people that I am a registered Republican.

The common argument is that if the child is unwanted, then “give it up for adoption” and that I would support killing a 2-year-old who did harm to society. This honestly baffles me because 100 percent of pregnancies end in physical pain with quite a few causing physical harm to the woman. When it comes to a woman’s body, it should always be up to only her to decide if she is willing to go through a pregnancy because we only get one body in our lives.

Don’t get me wrong, I have tremendous respect for women who choose life and go through all the hard times that come with pregnancy. But if a woman does not want to get pregnant, why are we expecting her to force herself to go through something painful for something she does not want?

Honestly, if you look throughout history, humans have always been trying to prevent pregnancy. The market for contraceptives is always booming because women who aren’t ready choose to take them. If medicines fail, we go in and fix it, no problems. But if contraceptives fail, we have organizations and the GOP dumping millions of dollars into campaigns to stop it, and you wonder why I believe it is disgusting that people march around with “Pro-Life is Pro-Woman” signs. Seriously, it is screwed up and sexist that the same political party that thinks it is OK for Viagra to be covered by an insurance company is trying to get rid of contraceptives and the solution for when it fails.

And to think, I’m a member of that party because of free speech and capitalism.

It is against what this country was founded upon to prevent a person from making a medical choice about their own body, which is why I totally stand behind my belief that the anti-choice movement is and always will be anti-American.