Letter: Anti-choice is anti-American

Like some conservatives, I do agree and recognize that the fetus is a human and has a right to live (hence why killing a pregnant woman is double murder). However, the question that I propose to anti-abortion people is does the fetus have the right to use the mother’s body as a means for survival?

As a man, I know all too well of how men are when it comes to sex. I have had teammates and have heard stories (such as Brock Turner) that have convinced me that the decision a woman makes to have sex is not made with 100 percent certainty all the time. I strongly believe the reason why women are less likely to want to drop their pants is because if something goes wrong and contraception fails, she is the one who pays the physical pain of child birth, etc. The man can easily get away with doing the same mistake and sometimes even gets away with it (ever notice how often Maury says “You are not the father”?).

It drives me nuts of the rhetoric that anti-choicers use of “pro-life being pro-woman” because there is absolutely nothing “pro-woman” about that movement or about her not having the choice. Basically, what the typical anti-choicer is pretty much saying is that men can have all the fun they want and won’t have to pay the consequences unless they are caught, while the woman must suck up her mistake. How the h— is that ever pro-women? The reason abortion exists is to level the playing field between men and women.

To me, if there were a way to cure cancer through attaching a cancer patient to me, I believe that person has just as much of a right to live as a baby or I do, but to use my body without my consent goes against everything that America stands for. It is my body and therefore my choice, bottom line. If I do not attach myself to that person to save him or her, is it murder? If so, why? Is that person’s life more important than my life? Why would I be forced to put my life on hold if I did everything I could to prevent such thing from happening?

The common argument for a pro-lifer is that you made the choice and therefore you must suffer the consequences of having sex, but is that true for rape? Better yet, if I were to leave my door unlocked and a welcome mat in front of it, does it give a robber the idea that he is welcome? I might have made a mistake to cause the burglary, but did I really deserve to have my house broken into? Am I not the victim of a careless mistake that I made one time? What about killing sperm cells before they fertilize? Is that murder too? Where do you draw the line on what is acceptable?

It is OK to think that abortion is bad, but next time you want to take away the reproductive rights from something, think of how un-American it really is.