Letter: Tulsi Gabbard is who we need


Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, speaks with Maddie Anderson, chair of the Story County Democrats, Aug. 10 outside Cafe Diem in Ames.

Jeff Salzman

When the current election cycle started there was one candidate that I felt should just go away. That person was Tulsi Gabbard.

Based upon everything I had heard or read, she was being portrayed as a blight upon the democratic party. Fair enough.

Being the contrarian that I am, I decided to look a little deeper. What I found made me realize I was wrong. What I found was someone who realizes that a good idea is a good idea, no matter what side it comes from. In a polarizing time, this is someone who can bring people with differing perspectives together.

I consider myself an independent. I’m not far left or far right on most issues. I fall somewhere in the middle, as I believe a lot of people do. When I hear democrats promising “free this and free that” I cringe.

Newsflash, nothing worthwhile is free. When I hear republicans dismiss moving toward green energy and defending an ego-driven individual who is incapable of telling the truth, it also makes me cringe.

With Warren and Sanders promising to tax America into oblivion, Biden picking fights with 83-year-olds and challenging them to push-up contests and Buttigieg coming across as the teacher’s pet asking for more homework, why not take a look at someone who actually cares about this country and the people in it?

While she currently may not be who YOU want, she may be exactly what WE need. Please don’t fall into the trap of blindly following a party line. Do your research and decide for yourself.

If you would like to know more, please check the following links.
Representative Gabbard at No Labels Problem Solver Convention | C-SPAN.org
Joe Rogan Experience #1391- Tulsi Gabbard & Jocko Willink – YouTube
Tulsi Gabbard for President – Official Website – TULSI 2020