Detox Water Recipes

Emma Hassemer

Water is the healthiest drink. It gives your body energy, helps your skin stay clear and can aid in loosing weight.

Drinking bottles of water everyday can sometimes get boring because of how simple it is. Adding different fruits and vegetables into your water can instantly make it a more delicious drink. These detox water recipes below will make you question if the main ingredient is actually water.

 1. Lemon & Lime

Adding lemon and lime will instantly transform your water. Lemon helps clean your system as well as aid in digestion. Oils in a lime are very beneficial for skin. Lime is also full of vitamin C, which protects your eyes from aging. Not only is this drink delicious, but it’s full of health benefits.

 2. Cucumber, Mint & Spinach

Cucumbers are full of healthy vitamins and minerals. Adding a few slices to your water will help give your body those vitamins.

Mint is also a very refreshing ingredient. Adding mint leaves to your water will give it a fresh taste.

Spinach is one of the healthiest vegetables. It is low in fat and cholesterol. Not only is it known to be one of the healthiest foods, but it doesn’t give off a bad taste. Adding these green ingredients in one water bottle will instantly refresh your body.

 3. Strawberries, Blueberries & Raspberries

If you want something sweeter, this is the recipe for you. All three of these berries are delicious in one bottle. Blueberries are low in calories and high in nutrients like fiber, vitamin C and vitamin K. Strawberries contain a natural teeth whitener. Not only are you enjoying a tasty drink, but you’re whitening your teeth at the same time! Raspberries help fight against cancer and heart diseases. This sweet berry concoction is both sweet and tasty.

 4. Grapefruit & Orange

Grapefruit aids in keeping a healthy heart. It’s sweet and will add a huge amount of flavor if you squeeze the juice in your bottle and then throw the peals into the water. Oranges are known for being high in vitamin C. Vitamin C is so important because it’s needed for the growth and repair of body tissues in different parts of the body. Since your body doesn’t store Vitamin C, you need to get it from foods such as oranges.