Six summer skin care tips

Olivia Kudla

Summer is almost here and with the sun becoming a lot more harsh it is important to protect your skin. Also with it being hotter, most people want to lighten the amount of make up they are wearing to prevent it from getting caked with sweat. 

Here are a few summer skin care tips:

  1. Wear sunblock: Putting on sunblock everyday seems excessive, but the skin on your face is a lot more sensitive. The sun rays can also increase the amount of wrinkles you have. If you do not want to add another step to your make up routine, you can buy makeup with sunscreen already in it.
  2. Wear a BB cream or tinted moisturizer, instead of a heavy foundation. BB creams are an effortless way to help perfect your skin and is lightweight. 
  3. Take a cold or lukewarm shower because if you have spent the day in the sun and then take a hot shower, you are just drying out your skin even more.
  4. Exfoliate your skin: It will help get rid of your dead skin. Also, exfoliated skin creates a better canvas for your makeup and it will last longer.
  5. Moisturize: the sun can be extremely drying. It is important to keep a good lotion on hand to keep your skin looking young and healthy. 
  6. Wear hats and or sunglasses: A cute way to accessorize and to protect your face is to wear a hat or a pair of sunglasses! Not only will you being doing your skin a favor, but it will add something more to your outfit.