exercise outdoors to achieve summer body

Hannah Dodds

It’s the end of the semester and all we can think about is the end of the school year and the start of summer. Of course, along with summer comes the thoughts of a summer bod. The weather is starting to warm up, and the sun is starting to shine, meaning it’s officially time to move that workout outside. Transitioning from the gym to the track might be difficult, so here are a few moves to get you in the cardio mindset.

You should always make sure your body is loose and ready to be worked before any workout. If you choose to do the workout on a track, take a few laps and focus letting your muscles relax instead of going all out. Your warm-up jog will help avoid pulled muscles and cramps and help amp up your energy.

Split squat

This move targets your entire lower body while incorporating cardio as well. It is meant to raise your heart rate and slightly work your legs.

Curtsey lunge and side kick

The curtsy lunge and side kick requires some balancing skill and coordination, making it one of the best low impact cardio moves for you. The lunge will work your legs and coordination, while the side kick will work your oblique muscles and balance.

Oblique twist

Cardio is key behind this move, once again getting your heart rate going. It combines a cross body twist in order to work your obliques without having to slow down the move.

Squat jumps

Your legs will burn after you finish the squat jumps, and quite honestly, your heart might too, but it is all worth it. This move targets your thighs, calves and glutes and incorporates a small amount of cardio. The lower you squat and the higher you jump, the better the results. 

Forward squat jumps

This ‘long jump’ form of the squat will have you wishing you never started this workout. Again, forward squat jumps will work your entire lower body and your abs, requiring you to put in extra effort to jump as far as you can while keeping your balance.

Switch kicks

Taking a break from the legs, this exercise moves back to the abs, asking you to kick and balance. It is important to keep your back straight when performing this move. Proper posture will not only make the move easier but will also help you get more out of the move.

Mountain climbers

Cardio once again is used to get your heart rate going. Mountain climbers work your entire body. Your arms will support your body while your abs will assist you in keeping your body low and tight.

Jumping jacks/scissor jumps

Jumping jacks will keep your heart rate going, and adding the scissor jumps will help with your coordination and thought process. This move is meant to keep your mind rolling and your body loose.


The Heisman is another move that works on your balance and coordination. The Heisman targets multiple muscle groups in your body, making your legs work with the slight squat and your abs work to keep your balance and keep the move crisp.

Touch runs

Touch runs will be your final burst before your cool down. This move is intended to get your heart racing and all of your muscles moving. Go all out.

Cool-down run

Finally, you want to let your body cool down again. Much like the warm-up runs, you want your muscles to relax and your heart rate to slow. Be sure to stretch when you are finished to avoid the dreaded muscle cramps and pulls.

For extra visuals and the fun video version of all of these moves, go online to iowastatedaily.com.