How to slowly add color to your wardrobe



Olivia Kudla

Spring and summer are the seasons where you could wear about any color. There are a lot of people that hide behind the neutral controls and something as simple as black. To some adding a pop of color can be frightening, but it does not have to be.

Here are a few simple tips to add a little color to your wardrobe: 

  1. Shoes: A colorful shoe can add a new dimension to an all black outfit, so it doesn’t look like you plan on attending a funeral. Whether its a pair of tennis shoes or heels, there are multiple colors for every type of shoe. 
  2. Statement necklace: A chunky colorful statement necklace can liven up neutral colored sweater or t-shirt. 
  3. Sweater or cardigan: Snagging a colorful zip-up hoodie or cardigan from the store will add color to an outfit and still allow you to wear all neutrals underneath. 
  4. Hair: This one may be too bold for most, but adding a few highlights of any color can give your entire look a new edge. You do not have to be bold and get a blue or purple, adding more tones to your hair could even help. 
  5. Scarf: One of the most comfortable and effortless accessories, just sling it around your neck and you are ready to go! The best part is, they come in multiple colors and styles, so the outfit opportunities are endless. 

These are just a few steps to gradually make yourself comfortable with a little color. Soon you may realize that color is fun and start purchasing a more lively wardrobe.