One-ingredient DIY face masks

Rebecca Haars

Clean and healthy skin makes for a happy, less stressful day. While countless face washes, store-bought face masks and cleansers are available, not everyone has the time or money to trek to the store to purchase these products. Thankfully, simple one-ingredient and on-hand foods are available that work just as well.

Avocados work wonders for replenishing your skin’s moisture. In a season of dry air, it is more important to focus on keeping not only your body hydrated and nourished but also your skin. Moisturizing with purred avocado will make applying makeup easier because of smooth skin.

Egg whites are especially helpful for oil-prone skin. The added protein-filled products being applied to your face should correct and calm the extra oils. The protein tightens pores and eliminates acne-causing bacteria.

While honey may sound like a sticky disaster waiting to happen, it is a great solution to dull-looking skin. A honey mask will rejuvenate the skin, giving it a healthy, organic glow. This mask is great for this time of year because of the lack of Vitamin D available from the sun.

Oatmeal is a wonderful face mask choice when it comes to soothing rough, dry skin. For this mask, add water to plain oatmeal until it is properly absorbed. Oatmeal also helps prevent eczema and acne breakouts. This natural, gentle exfoliator is known to reduce redness and irritation.

Brown sugar is a natural exfoliator. This simple facial helps remove dead skin and cleaning pores. While most of the masks only require to be placed on your face and left until rinsed, this facial is best when scrubbed around your face for a few minutes before letting it rest. The brown sugar face mask is sure to leave a glowing finish.

Apply each of these masks and then wait approximately 25 to 30 minutes before rinsing off the mask with warm water. The result will vary depending on which product is used; however, the result will be positive if the correct product is used for the right skin issue.