Super Tuesday delegates

Olivia Kudla

“Super Tuesday” is finally here and today is the day when multiple states will hold their caucuses/primaries. It is the unofficial name for a day during the presidential primary election when the biggest number of states hold their caucuses/primaries. 

The delegates are people who are “pledged” to support the candidate in which they are allocated in a state primary or caucus. The super delegates are automatic delegates to the convention and do not have to pledge their support to a presidential candidate.  

Here are a list of the candidates and their current delegates for Democrats:

Hilary Clintion has a total of 536 delegates, 453 of which are superdelegates. 

Bernie Sanders has a total of 82 delegates, 63 are delegates. 

For Republicans: 

Donald trump has  83 total delegates, none of them are superdelegates.

Ted Cruz has a total of 17 delegates.

Marco Rubio has a total of 16 delegates.

John Kasich has a total of 6 delegates.

Jeb Bush has a total of 5 delegates.

Ben Carson has a total of 3 delegates.

“Super Tuesday” is important because this is the time when we will start to see who will be the Republican and Democratic nominee and who will be dropping out of the presidential race!