3 musicals and a comedian to watch over Spring Break

Donkey is a fantastic matchmaker. Don’t believe love is blind? Just ask his back-up dancers, the three blind mice.

Maggie Curry

You have a week of avoiding cleaning out your childhood bedroom and de-stressing after midterms. Netflix, anyone?

Try these modern musicals currently on Netflix:

1. “Shrek: the Musical”

Say hello to all of your favorite characters doing heart-warming things like singing duets while farting violently. This is a no-brainer. (Donkey? You need some more Donkey in your life.) Lord Farquaad dances on his knees and spoofs Alphaba from “Wicked.” #talent.

2. “RENT”

The opening song is a rant about being unable to afford rent. Relatable, yes? The AIDS epidemic wasn’t that long ago, which is what most of the show revolves around. There’s a trans woman, a lesbian couple, a gay man and a toast to the bohemian lifestyle. (525,600 minutes…)

3. “The Last Five Years”

Her side of the story is told backwards. His side is told chronologically, and it meets in the middle at a proposal. I wasn’t sure why people cried so much until the very end. (Warning: just grab the tissues ahead of time.) She’s an aspiring actress, he’s been offered a publishing deal at 22. Could we all be so lucky.

…and a comedian

Ron White will perform in Stephen’s Auditorium on April 22. White’s special “Ron White: A Little Unprofessional” from 2012 earns the Netflix tag “raunchy.” If MTV taught me anything, it’s that spring break should be a little raunchy.