How to stay away from the freshmen 15


Students working out at State Gym.

Emma Hassemer

Oh, the dreaded freshmen 15. Going into freshmen year, I did not believe in this phenomenon until I noticed my eating habits change, my sleep schedule was off, and I wasn’t working out as much. When some people think of ways to fight off the freshmen 15, it’s usually insane dieting and exercise.  Here are some simple and easy ways to stay healthy, in shape and beat the freshmen 15:

  1. Bring water everywhere you go:  When you go to class, make sure you bring a large bottle filled with water.  Try and stay away from sugary drinks such as energy drinks, soda and fruit juices.  Your body needs water to function during the day and stay hydrated.  If your body feels the slightest bit of dehydration, it can slow down your metabolism.  If you want to add a little flavor to your water, squeeze a lime or lemon into your water bottle.
  2. Participate in fitness classes:  Rather than working out on the same old exercise equipment, mix it up a bit and take part in a fitness class. State Gym offers fun classes such as zumba, yoga and kickboxing that work you hard. As a plus, participating in a fitness class counts as extra credit for some school classes if you swipe in your ID card and get a slip signed.  Not only are you burning calories, but you’re getting points for it too!
  3. Don’t skip breakfast:  Skipping breakfast is a bad habit to have.  Having a healthy and filling breakfast will help you feel more awake at your 8 am classes.  If you don’t have time to make yourself breakfast, grab a breakfast granola bar and a banana to eat on the go.
  4. Control yourself at the dining centers:  The dining centers offer a variety of foods, but make sure you are not piling up six slices of pizza on your plate.  Instead replace them with a side salad and cup of fruit.  This way, you’re still able to satisfy yourself with a couple pieces of pizza, but giving your body the proper nutrients through the salad and fruit.
  5. Sleep:  As a college student, it’s hard to go to sleep before one or two in the morning due to homework, but it’s very important your body is getting enough sleep in order to function during the day.  Try to sleep for 6-to-8 hours a night.  Do not take long period naps during the day.  According to The National Sleep Foundation “Naps can leave people with sleep inertia, especially when they last more than 10-20 minutes”.  Sleep inertia puts you in a state of grogginess, which makes you feel exhausted when woken up from a deep sleep.
  6. Walk to class:  Instead of taking a bus to every class, walk from building to building.  Every short walk adds up and you might be surprised at how much you walk in a day if you motivate yourself to walk from place to place.