This week in news

Donald Trump speaks about his platform on Sept. 19 at the Faith and Freedom Coalition Dinner.

Alex Hanson

Here’s a recap of the week’s biggest stories. Read the quick recap below, then test your knowledge with our online quiz here.

More details emerge on San Bernardino shooters

Day by day, more details are emerging following last week’s terrorist attack in San Bernardino, Calif., in 14 were killed and 21 injured.

Syed Rizwan Farook, the male suspect, may have planned attacks as far back as 2012, The New York Times reported Wednesday, citing law enforcement officials.

Police also spoke with the suspects’ neighbors, who told authorities that he spoke of other possible attacks.

The FBI said Wednesday that Tashfeen Malik, Farook’s wife, spoke about “jihad and martyrdom” online in 2013 before they lived in the United States and were married. Earlier in the week, officials said Malik pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group in a Facebook post before last week’s attack.

“ISIL inspiration may well have been part of this, but these two killers were starting to radicalize towards martyrdom and jihad as early as 2013,” said FBI director James Comey during a Senate hearing Wednesday.

A $28,500 deposit was also made into Farook’s bank account two weeks before the attack, a possible loan taken out by the couple, FOX News reported Tuesday. Investigators are tying to figure out what the money was being used for.

Trump proposes stopping all Muslim immigration

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was back to filling TV news and newspaper headlines after his campaign released a statement saying Trump backs blocking all Muslims from entering the United States until current representatives “figure out what is going on.”

Trump’s release cited poll numbers that show a segment of the Muslim population believes violence against Americans is justified for the “global jihad.”

Trump’s proposal was quickly met with backlash from candidates, both Democrat and Republican.

But Trump’s proposal may not be far from what most Republican voters want. A poll from Bloomberg Politics/Purple Strategies PulsePoll conducted showed 65 percent of likely Republican voters back the idea. Twenty-two percent are opposed, while 13 said they don’t know.

The survey was conducted online with 605 registered voters. The margin of error is 4 percent.

Ames City Council moving to ban e-cig use

The city of Ames is a step closer to banning the use of e-cigarettes throughout town.

City Council voted 5-1 during its Tuesday meeting to direct the Ames city attorney to draft an ordinance prohibiting the use of e-cigarettes in all public places and in some private areas, including all enclosed areas within places of employment.

The bill would mimic the Iowa Smokefree Air Act, which bans the use of traditional tobacco products such as cigarettes in almost all public places and enclosed areas within places of employment, as well as some outdoor areas.

Students from the ISU Health Promotion Club attended the council meeting to lobby in favor of banning e-cigarette use.

Warren and Tucker win Big 12 awards

Two ISU football players earned Big 12 nods this week.

Freshman running back Mike Warren was named Big 12 Offensive Freshman of the Year, while redshirt junior nose guard Demond Tucker earned Big 12 Defensive Newcomer of the Year.

“I was sleeping, and my phone started to go off. It woke me up a bit,” Warren said of hearing the news during a nap. “It’s pretty exciting. I think I’ve showed a lot of people what could be happening, what could be possible in the next couple of years.”

Warren led all NCAA freshman rushers with 1,339 yards this year.

“It’s a great feeling,” Tucker said about his Big 12 award. “I prayed about it. I knew that I wasn’t going to get the overall [best defensive player], but I just wanted to make myself known.”

Tucker racked up 28 tackles, 13.0 tackles for loss and 6.0 sacks this season.

Jimmy Carter says he is cancer-free

Former President Jimmy Carter received positive health news following months of treatment.

“My most recent MRI brain scan did not reveal any signs of the original cancer spots nor any new ones,” Carter said in a statement released by The Carter Center. “I will continue to receive regular three-week immunotherapy treatments of pembrolizumab.”

The 91-year-old former president first revealed the news while teaching Sunday school in Plains, Ga.

Carter announced he was diagnosed in August 2015 and has been receiving treatment at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta.