Cyclone Cinema hosts film festival

The Cyclone Cinema, located inside Carver Hall, features new movies every weekend during the school year.

The Cyclone Cinema, located inside Carver Hall, features new movies every weekend during the school year.

Ashley Green

Students interested in filmmaking have a chance to prove their abilities; but they have just 48 hours to do so.

Cyclone Cinema and the ISU Film Producer’s Club are giving students the chance to create short films and enter them into a festival. The film festival was organized by the Student Union Board. 

“There’s not really many film activities on campus between classes and extra activities,” said Destiny Luchtel, senior in event management and SUB member of the festival. “It [is] a good way to incorporate that for students to have an option to do and to be able to show their film skills.”

Students had 48 hours to create their films, starting at 5 p.m. Oct. 23 and ending at 10 P.M. the next Sunday.

“Basically, people sign up with their application online and then we’ll send out an informational email on Friday with the prompts they have to include,” said Hannah Nation, junior in event management and SUB member.

To keep students from attempting to begin early, a list of prompts will be sent out at the beginning of the competition. These prompts will be certain phrases that must be incorporated, whether verbally or written down, or props they must interact with in order for the film to be shown during the festival.

“Other than [the prompt], they can do whatever they want for their movie,” said Robert Hansen, junior in computer engineering and member of SUB. “It just has to incorporate those two things.”

During the 48 hours, students must write their scripts, shoot and edit their films, which must be between two and 10 minutes long in order to be submitted for judging.

“It’s kind of made on the fly,” said Kelley Werner, senior in journalism and communication and member of SUB. “You write it togther, film it together, edit it together and see what happens.”

A panel of five judges will assess films based on a number of factors, including cinematography, editing, script, additional elements and acting. The mise-en-scéne, the arrangement of design aspects and scenery in a set will also adjudicated. 

The judges are three staff members: Jeff Ames, lecturer in the Greenlee School, Justin Remes, assistant professor of English, and Olga Mesropova, associate professor of world languages and cultures.

Two “celebrity” judges, who are ISU alumni, will also be present. One is YouTube star and independent filmmaker “Iowa Nice Guy” Scott Siepker, who now hosts “Iowa Outdoors” on IPTV.

The other is Cinelou Films producer Stephanie Caleb. Caleb is best known for co-producing “Cake,” which features Jennifer Anniston.  

Gift card prizes will go to the top three films and to those recognized as best director, actor/actress and screenwriter.

The screening will take place Monday in Carver 101. While the films can only be submitted by ISU students, the screening is open to the public.