Letter: Rachel Junck will be a strong advocate


Grant Tetmeyer/Iowa State Daily

Ames City Council Ward Four Representative Chris Nelson proclaimed “Peace Officers’ Memorial Day” at the Ames City Council meeting on May 14 in the Ames City hall. “National Public Works Week” was also proclaimed at the meeting. 

Erwin Klaas

In an earlier letter, I said that voters in the 4th Ward would have a problem deciding on three qualified candidates for Ames City Council. Rachel Junck emerged from the election with the most votes but missed being elected outright by less than 10 votes. So, she is now in a run-off election on December 3.

I am continually amazed and inspired by today’s younger generation’s knowledge of issues and willingness to get involved with public service. I am especially impressed with Rachel’s understanding of all sectors of the city. She will represent the 4th Ward admirably. As a lifelong resident and current student, she has the ability to represent everyone. The large number of students residing in the Ward needs more representation on Council. 

Rachel will be a strong advocate for climate action, human rights, fair and affordable housing and renewable energy. Please vote for a strong, young and energetic Rachel Junck on Dec. 3.