Air Force ROTC honors ISU alumni who died serving US
The final group of ISU Air Force ROTC members finished its run from Des Moines to Ames on Sept. 19. The ISU Air Force ROTC does its annual run on the third Friday of September to honor military personnel still classified as prisoners of war or missing in action.
September 16, 2015
The ISU Air Force ROTC, Detachment 250, will make the trek to Des Moines on Friday to commemorate Prisoner of War/Missing in Action Day (POW/MIA.) This event occurs annually on the third Friday in September.
Cadets will meet at 7:45 a.m. and travel to the Iowa Statehouse in Des Moines to meet with veterans and listen to Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds’ proclamation. The cadets will then begin an estimated nine-hour run from Des Moines to the Memorial Union on campus.
The entire day is dedicated to remembering and honoring those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the U.S. military.
The trip from Des Moines to campus is 35 miles and will be run in two shifts. The national flag and the POW/MIA flag will be held for the entire duration of the run.
Honor guard members will stand guard at the Gold Star Hall of the Memorial Union during the run to remind students about the importance of the day and the sacrifices of previous soldiers, both men and women.
The Gold Star Hall is dedicated to commemorating the ISU alumni who died in service for America. Names from as early as World War 1 are carved into the walls.
Cadets will end their journey at the Memorial Union, and Lt. Col. Bill McTernan, the detachment commander for the Air Force ROTC, will give a short speech.