Student Government serves the students

Dan Breitbarth and Megan Sweere are sworn in as the new Student Government president and vice president. 

Matthew Rezab

Student Government, formerly Government of the Student Body, represents all students on campus. It works with student organizations, the ISU administration, the Ames community, the state legislature and the Board of Regents to accomplish initiatives, set policies and make sure students have a voice.


Student Government is set up much like the U.S. government. It consists of executive, judicial and legislative branches. Each branch has specific responsibilities and duties.

Officers and senators are elected by the student body. Senators represent the various colleges, on-campus housing, off-campus residents and other large organizations.

According to the Student Government Website, the executive branch, made up of the president, vice-president and cabinet, works on specific projects and initiatives related to student interests. The legislative branch, which is made up of the Senate, debates student issues and passes legislation regarding funding for student organizations. Finally, the judicial branch, which is made up of the 9-member Supreme Court, rules on issues between students and student organizations.


Bike Share — Bike Share is a proposal to implement community bicycles and racks around campus and possibly Ames. Students would be able to “check out” at one location and return to another. 

The students in the College of Design have produced prototypes, but Student Government shot down the proposal last fall. Student Government President Dan Breitbarth said interest still remains in the project.

“Bike Share will be revisited at some point,” Breitbarth said. “The whole question behind that has always been, ‘Is this something that makes Iowa State a better place or not?'”

Smoking and electronic cigarettes — Last February, Student Government sent a resolution to university administration encouraging a ban on e-cigarettes on campus. As of yet, no action has been taken by the university. 

An initiative sponsored by Vice President Megan Sweere and Sen. Danielle Nygard is in the works to address e-cigarettes and stricter enforcement of the current smoking ban on campus.


Students are encouraged to contact their representatives with any problems or ideas to improve Iowa State. A list of senators and contact information can be found at

“First and foremost, we’re just looking to meet the needs the students require,” Breitbarth said. “Anything the students are needing, whether it be daily life or academic or extra curricular. Any needs that we can help facilitate is the first and primary objective.”

Breitbarth said Student Government can connect students to campus resources to help with nearly any problem or obstacle. 

“I want students to know I’m a resource on any level,” Breitbarth said. “Whether it be financial issues, academics, extra curricular, finding a place to live, what to do after school … anything I can help with. We have plenty of resources at our disposal that I’d love to help the students get access to it.” 

Student Government meets at 7 p.m. every Wednesday — with the exception of academic breaks, dead week and finals week — in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union. Meetings are open to the public and students are encouraged to attend.