SUB fall entertainment
Timeflies, originally slated to come to Ames during the 2014 Live @ Veishea concerts in April made an appearance Dec. 5 at the Great Hall of the Memorial Union. Cal, the group’s lead singer, has been singing and freestyling since high school, while Rez got an early start in production after building a studio in his basement for multiple high school bands.
June 15, 2015
Student Union Board is a student-run organization that coordinates events to provide a variety of entertainment for ISU students. There are 15 directors on the executive board and multiple committees that plan, set up and take down events. Here are some things to look out for on campus hosted by SUB.
Cyclone Cinema:
Cyclone Cinema shows movies recently out of the theaters in Carver 101. SUB chooses movies based on box office numbers and award nominations. The auditorium seats 202 and plays movies at 7 and 10 p.m. Thursday through Sunday. Admission is free for all and snacks are available for purchase.
National Events:
National events are large scale entertainment groups that come to Iowa State about twice a semester. These events are usually hosted in the Great Hall on a weekend night.
ISU After Dark:
ISU After Dark has grown into a popular weekend option for students. The event is hosted about three times a semester in the Memorial Union from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday. After Dark is free admission and people can come and go as they please. During the night, there are crafts, free food, karaoke, comedians and artists to entertain.
Maintenance Shop:
Throughout the semester, various musical and comedy acts perform in the M-Shop for little or no cost. Every other week, Open Mic Night is held in the M-Shop where students can go and perform or watch their peers on stage. Grandma Mojo’s Moonshine Revival, an improv comedy troupe, also performs at the M-Shop twice a month for $1 admission. The M-Shop is also booked on the weekends with touring artists and comedians for cheap ticket prices.
Multicultural Events:
Several times during the semester, SUB will host multicultural events to educate and create awareness of different cultures. These events can vary from a documentary showing to a slam poetry reading and are free for students.
For more information about SUB or their events, visit