Some foods you might be eating wrong

Shelby Kramer


Make sure you’re buying ground flaxseed otherwise you’re missing out on a lot of health benefits. Your body may not be able to digest whole seeds, so get them pre-ground or throw them in a grinder before using the flaxseeds so you aren’t missing out on the health benefits.


Chances are you buy fresh strawberries then cut the whole lot at once to snack on whenever. Well you’re losing a lot of the good stuff when you do this. To get the full heath benefits, avoid cutting the strawberries as long as you can. Certain nutrients – like vitamin C – are sensitive to light and oxygen, so the cut strawberries’ cells are open to those nutrient-deteriorating elements.

Side note: eating frozen produce is better for you than eating an out-of-season piece of produce that’s traveled a long distance or hasn’t been allowed to ripen. Frozen fruits and veggies retain a lot of nutrients, so keep that in mind.


As you’re cooking, chop up your garlic first then let it sit for about 10 minutes before adding it to your dish. In doing this, you let the cancer-fighting enzyme found in garlic get fully activated because it benefits from exposure to air.


You know that watery stuff occasionally found at the top of your yogurt? You usually dump it down the drain, right? Well don’t. It’s actually whey, and it contains protein, vitamin B12 and other minerals like calcium and phosphorous. Just stir your yogurt. Simple.
