Guide to packing your purse


Guide to packing your purse

Shelby Kramer

Keep your breath fresh

A stick of gum or some mints could save your social scene at any given moment.

Safety first

You never know when you could use some safety pins. Keep a couple in the deep-downs of your bag for those weird situations.

Cash money, time for change

Cash and spare change can save the day. Not all places accept plastic, and parking meters often only take coins. Keep some spare money tucked away for when the cards just won’t do.


You might be escaping an awkward situation or bored at the doctor’s office. Whatever it is, you’ll have your headphones on hand for those quiet escapes.

Pills, pills, pills

Whether it’s a couple Tums or some ibuprofen, keeping some pain relievers in your purse can help a lot in times of need.

Portable charger

This isn’t totally necessary, but very useful. Mophie portable battery packs are great, but, if you don’t want to purchase a separate battery, you can pack up an extra wall charger for your phone or tablet.

Hair essentials

Bobby pins, hair ties, a small mirror or brush and a mini straightener are great things to have in your purse.

Lipstick, gloss, Chapstick

Different situations call for different products. Just be aware that these sticks get mooshy in the heat and freeze in the cold.

First aid first

This doesn’t mean a full-on first aid kit, but keep the essentials, like some bandages, gauze or some little packets of sunscreen or moist towelettes.

Bless you

Tissues are obviously a must. No explanation needed here. 

Some other ideas include hand sanitizer, a pair of nail clippers, some Q-Tips, eye drops or floss.