Make an ISU Bucket List
Kelby Wingert/Iowa State Daily
Ryan Jennings, left, senior in mechanical engineering, and Nick McLaren, senior in computer engineering, collectively claim 44 ISU intramural championship titles. McLaren has 23, and Jennings has 21. Their titles include an intramural T-shirt for every win.
June 15, 2015
Freshman year at college is a year full of firsts. It’s a year that can be spent learning about the traditions and rituals students take part in. Getting involved and learning the ins and outs of being a Cyclone during freshman year can make your time here at Iowa State more memorable. Starting to check things off your college bucket list during the first year is a great way to become familiar with campus and the city of Ames, while making friends at the same time. Here are 15 things you might put on your ISU bucket list:
Win an intramural championship — Being a college athlete isn’t for everyone but that doesn’t mean there aren’t options to get involved and stay active in your favorite sports. Participating in intramurals is a great way to stay active, make friends and quench your competitive thirst in a fun, safe atmosphere.
Visit every building on campus — While Iowa State’s 1,795-acre campus may seem intimidating, becoming familiar with the layout and location of all of its buildings is a great way to make it seem like home.
Experience Hilton Magic — Magic truly does exist inside the walls of Hilton Coliseum and every ISU student should experience it at least once. And don’t forget to grab a Clone Cone.
Experience real “Iowa State” food — Craving some not so healthy food after a night out with friends? Stop by Super Dog on Welch Avenue or Jeff’s Pizza on Lincoln Way, and start to feel like a true member of the Ames community.
Study in every café — Cafés on campus aren’t just great places to grab a snack or a quick caffeinated pick-me-up, they’re a great place to study and work on homework. With 11 cafés on campus, I’m sure one will match your studying habits.
Have at least one internship or job during your time as a student — Put all of that hard work and studying to use and land an internship or job related to your field. Adding this to your résumé will help you excel after graduation.
Ride every color of CyRide — Since CyRide is free to all ISU students – with proof of ID — save some gas and become a professional when it comes to routes. Also, make it a goal to thank the CyRide driver when exiting the bus. The drivers keep you safe and get you where you need to be.
Curtiss to Beardshear run — Grab some friends and see who can do it faster. It’s a straight shot.
Jump in the Fountain of Four Seasons — Located at the North entrance of the Memorial Union, it’s not uncommon to see people in it, especially when the weather is warm.
Dance Marathon and Nearly Naked Mile — These are only two of the amazing events to get involved with on campus, but both are great ways to have fun while supporting a good cause.
Study abroad — Traveling isn’t easy for students to schedule around their homework, quizzes and exams, so why not do both at the same time? There are many resources on campus and scholarships to help as well.
Take a picture of the albino squirrel — Yes, it’s true. We have an albino squirrel. If it hasn’t been mentioned already, it will come up in many conversations in the first couple of weeks of your time at Iowa State. Make sure you document your first encounter with it to show family and friends back home.
Tour the Campanile — A beautiful landmark on Iowa State’s campus, the Campanile is more than just something pretty to look at. Take a tour and learn about the landmark’s history.
Swim at State Gym — Take advantage of your university having a pool and make it a goal to take a dip at least once while you’re a student.
Go on a trip with Recreation Services — Have you always had an itch to go whitewater rafting or rock climbing, but never had anyone to go with? Recreation Services at Iowa State takes weekend and extended trips within and outside of Iowa that you can sign up for.