Basic workout tips



Shelby Kramer

Hit the water throughout the day

Hydration is a big element in prepping for your workout, especially if you’re looking to hit the gym hard. According to a article, you’ll loose about 10 percent of your strength if you’re dehydrated.

Being dehydrated can affect your mood, energy level and your mental performance, so get to it.

Warm up with your favorite tunes

Get in the zone while you’re on the treadmill or stretching by listening to your favorite songs because they can get you pumped up and spark inspiration.

Don’t forget to eat

I don’t know much about this, but you need to eat after your workout for sure. Your body needs to replenish. Food is good, eat it. The right food, that is.

Focus on your muscles

Concentrate on activating your target muscles and work on using slow, controlled movements. Working out is more than just going through the motions, it’s also mental. I’ve noticed that fast, abrupt workouts tend to be less effective than those a person takes time on and cares about.

Don’t rest too much

It’s easy to hit the machine hard for one set and then rest too much. Rest periods tend to span longer and longer as you progress through your workout. Avoid this for obvious reasons, including losing motivation and the ability to go hard on your next set.
