Things that don’t add up in the ‘Harry Potter’ series

Things that don’t add up in the Harry Potter series

Things that don’t add up in the ‘Harry Potter’ series

Shelby Kramer

I’m most definitely not a Harry Potter expert, so don’t take what I say too seriously. I’m just here to rant and rave about the grievances I have concerning my favorite series of books. I mean, they’re super popular and wonderful, so how can I not find fault in them? Enjoy my nit-picking. I assure you I have so many more than this.


Where’s the technology?

Okay, yeah, the books are set in the ‘90s, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t modern technology out there that could have helped the HP characters out. The Hogwarts library could be sorted more efficiently, students could call home from boarding school and Sirius might have lived had he an iPhone.

Why the time-tuner?

Sure, J.K. Rowling posted some “rules” about time-turners after it all went down, but you’d be hard-pressed to find one reader that went through The Prisoner of Azkaban that didn’t question the use of the time-turner. Couldn’t Sirius have been saved in book five? Might Lily and James been spared with time travel?

Hagrid is half-giant

Just think about it for a bit…Rubeus Hagrid has the blood of a giant and that of a human. We’re told in the story that Hagrid’s dad is a dude, so the father had sex with the mother, a giant. And, if all giants are like Hagrid’s half-brother, Grawp, that’s one weird situation. I want to know where the attraction started with that.

Spring isn’t a good season

Seriously…most of the bad stuff happens in the spring semester for these guys. There’s danger around every spring, and Harry’s life is threatened seasonally. At least we always get to enjoy Christmas. Btw, why do wizards celebrate Christmas but have show no other religious-ness?

Fred and George had the Marauder’s Map their first year, right?

In the third book, twins Fred and George Weasley reveal they have this magical map, and they have had it since they “nicked it from Filch’s office…first year.” Well, with all that went down Harry’s first year with the Chamber of Secrets, why couldn’t they have used this wondrous location-teller to help find the culprit?


There’s a troll in the school, let’s all split up

When Professor Quirrell runs into the Great Hall to announce the troll problem in the dungeons, Dumbledore instructs the students to their dorms under watch of the Prefects. Uh what? “Hey, let’s take all of you out of the eye of seasoned professors and sent you into various parts of the castle, including the Slytherins to their dungeon dormitory.” Yikes, Dumbledore, yikes.

Why are Ron and Hermione continuously not cool at school?

Both characters might start out kind of lame, but after saving lives and doing great things over and over again, you’d think they would gain some popularity. Throughout the books and movies Ron is still shunned as the less-than-his-brothers, red-headed doof, and Hermione as the know-it-all geek. They save the world and are best friends with a celebrity, so what’s the deal?

This one is just about the movie…

Why is magic not allowed but Hermione can fix Harry’s glasses in Diagon Alley?

This just always bugs me every time I watch the movie. It’s widely known that underage wizards aren’t allowed to use magic during breaks back home, but, in the second movie, Harry ends up breaking his glasses in Knockturn Alley. He finds Hagrid and they run into Hermione in Diagon Alley. She fixes his glasses with a charm. Cool that his glasses are fixed, but doesn’t make sense to me. If I remember right from the book, it’s a Weasley elder that fixes his glasses for him.  It’s just the little things.
