Iowa State bids farewell to graduating class of 2015


Korrie Bysted/Iowa State Daily

Graduates talk as they walk to their seats before the start of the undergraduate commencement ceremony Saturday at Hilton Coliseum. 

Kyle Heim

Goodbyes are not forever.

More than 4,000 ISU students became alumni Friday or Saturday after receiving their diplomas at one of the three commencement ceremonies: Graduate College commencement, College of Veterinary Medicine commencement and undergraduate commencement.

While graduation marks the finish line of one adventure for these alumni, it marks the beginning of another.

Graduation began Friday with the Graduate College commencement. Susan Lamont, C. F. Curtis Distinguished Professor in agriculture and life sciences, addressed the graduates.

“I propose to you tonight that when you follow your own internal compass guided by your own personal set of wisely chosen and deeply hallowed values, then you will have a life of satisfaction and a life that will make a significant contribution to society and to the world,” Lamont said. “Because I know that 10 years from now it will make a difference that you graduated from Iowa State University.”

More than 450 ISU students earned their master’s degree at the Graduate College commencement and more than 100 earned their doctoral degrees.

ISU graduate Robert Bouda, who earned his master’s degree in electrical engineering, spent four years obtaining his bachelor’s degree before spending another two getting his master’s.

“My adventure at Iowa State has been great because I met a lot of my friends over here,” Bouda said. “My major professor was really great with me as well because with him you got to see a different perspective as far as how to learn things as well as how to actually get to know people.”

Graduation ceremonies continued Saturday with the College of Veterinary Medicine commencement and undergraduate commencement.

“Commencement is the most important and significant ceremony that a university holds. For our graduates, it represents the culmination of years of hard work and the beginning off an all new and exciting journey,” said ISU President Steven Leath.

Many of the families and friends of the ISU graduates took to Twitter to congratulate them using #cyclONEgrad.

For a pair of ISU graduates, Mickaela Hovenga and Erin Guler, commencement left them yearning for more time at Iowa State.

“Currently taking donations to let us stay an extra semester,” Anne said in a tweet.

While each graduate will now take a separate path, Iowa State will remain for all who received a diploma a home away from home.

“Our best years lay ahead and will always lay ahead, and we should never be afraid to press on,” said Scott McDonald, senior class president.