Trevor Noah to take over The Daily Show

Sam Vander Forest

As many of you may have heard, South African comedian Trevor Noah will be taking over “The Daily Show” after Jon Stewart leaves. You may have also heard of the swarm of controversy that is now surrounding Noah after the announcement of his hiring.

The media has taken to its many outlets either in defense or against Noah, as his past tweets and standup jokes have come to the spotlight. Noah is being criticized for poking fun at everything from Jewish people, larger women, Asians, African Americans, and everyone and everything in between. Many people are absolutely outraged at some of the jokes and comments he’s made, while others have realized the statements as what they truly are: jokes.

I am all for supporting different types of people and I am adamantly against putting down others, but comedy is the realm where everyone takes the chip off their own shoulder and takes a minute to laugh at themselves. People also need to realize that he’s not singling out any certain group consistently. Like I said, he’s making fun of every single sector of the global population, even his own ethnicity and country, so people need to stop playing the victim.

Celebrities have come out in support of Noah, as they understand the medium with which he performs, and the list includes iconic comedians such as Patton Oswalt, Daniel Tosh and Seth MacFarlane. Oswalt tweeted a 53-tweet-long rampage pointing out the true meaning of comedy and supporting Noah. Perhaps the best, though, came from MacFarlane:

“Hey press: Corporate pollution. Mass incarceration. Animal abuse. These are things to be offended by. Not Trevor Noah’s Twitter feed.”

Regardless of your opinion of Noah, it will be interesting to see how he carries on such a big franchise when he takes over later this year. Hopefully Comedy Central and Noah don’t hold back from this out-of-context outrage and continue to push comedic boundaries and make audiences think.