Cooking with a waffle iron

Cooking with a waffle iron

by Shelby Kramer, [email protected]

Cooking with a waffle iron

Shelby Kramer

1. Bacon

Bacon is good, bacon is great. Bacon may or may not be able to be cooked with a waffle iron. OK, so it can be COOKED with the iron, but it’s a whole different story of whether or not you’d want to do it because bacon grease can be a pain in the butt to clean up. All those nooks and crannies in a waffle iron could be miserable to scrub.

2. Scrambled eggs

Might as well have a complete breakfast, right? Well you can make your eggs in that waffle iron too. Just mix up your eggs and whatnot, put it into the iron and let the magic happen. You can get inventive, too, and make it sort of omelette-y by adding bacon bits, peppers and other goodies.

3. French toast

Let’s continue with the breakfast trend. French toast is typically prepared with a skillet on a stove top, right? Well it can be cooked using your small appliance, the wonderful waffle maker. Go about preparing it just as you always do, but cook it between the hot plates of your waffle iron.

4. Brownies and other baked goods

This may take some experimenting because the finished product could turn out a little dry. If you do find a good recipe and/or way of going about it, though, it can save you a lot of energy by avoiding turning on the oven.

5. Cheeseburgers

Think of a waffle iron as a makeshift George Foreman grill. It’s kind of the same thing, but with those little squares that give waffles their distinctive appearance. Either way, you can grill your patties and throw a little cheese and bacon on top, all cooked with your handy dandy waffle iron.

7. Pizza

This one is a little more out there, but it might be worth a try. Prepare some pizza dough and cook it on your waffle iron until it’s about 90 percent cooked through. Then add your toppings — keeping the lid open — to make them all warm and melty. Slide your pizza off the iron and voila! Keep in mind, though, that your toppings might not be cooked as thoroughly as you’d prefer, so you might want to stick with a plain cheese pizza if using your waffle iron.

8. Quesadillas

Simple: prepare your tortilla(s) with all the fixins and throw it on the waffle iron. It’s the same concept as a quesadilla maker, so you’re in business.