What to do after a fender bender


source: http://ford-life.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Fender-Bender-image.jpg

Shelby Kramer

So you’re stuck in the business end of a fender bender, huh? Well that’s crappy luck, but here are the necessary steps to take care of business after someone rear-ends your ride:

1. Stop your car, do your best to get out of the line of traffic and turn on your hazard lights. You need to make your presence known and do your best to avoid more damage. 

2. It’s not necessary, but it’s a good idea to call the police. Call 911 after an accident to set up some aid, and it also helps that you’ll have a neutral third party to help document the accident. You can just exchange information and move on from the accident, but you’ll be helping yourself out by having the authorities involved. 

3. Make sure you exchange information with the other driver. You each need the other’s insurance company’s contact information to hash out who pays for the damages. With this, watch what you say and how you act. Don’t get overemotional or angry, and definitely don’t say anything you’ll later regret. It’s easy to let your emotions get the best of you, but try to hold back. This is a financial transaction. 

4. Check with your state’s bureau/department of motor vehicles. Some states require that motorists report a car wreck, depending on the amount of damage. Check out your state’s DMV or BMV information to see if it’s necessary. 

5. Remember to take pictures. You can use your phone camera to snap some shots of the damage for future reference, possible evidence and/or use by your insurance company. Also, gather witnesses. If you weren’t at fault and want to prove it, eyewitness testimony and quality pictures can speak volumes. 

Traffic accidents are scary things, but you can make it through by being rational and following simple steps. 

source: http://money.usnews.com/money/personal-finance/articles/2013/12/17/7-steps-to-take-after-a-car-accident?page=2