Student Government to discuss funding and bylaws


Caitlin Yamada

Senator Tony Tonet listens during the Student Government meeting Sept. 18 in the Campanile Room. Student Government discusses various bills and legislation that affect Iowa State and the community.

Cassie Lehmann

At Wednesday night’s meeting, Student Government will be seating senators, discussing funding for various university organizations and looking into waiving bylaws. 

Student Government plans on seating senators to the Inter-Residence Hall Association (IRHA) and Green Initiatives Fund. 

The Executive Board of IRHA has interviewed candidates and will be seating two students — currently unnamed — to represent the IRHA.

Iowa State students Ian Searles, a senior in geology, and Jacob Conn, a junior in computer engineering, will face approval as senators of the Green Initiatives Fund. 

Additionally, various clubs and organizations are requesting funds from Student Government.

The Asian Student Union requested $5,900 for lodging and travel expenses, the Block and Bridle Club requested $1,600 for meal kits, the Korean Student Association requested $860 for food and venue reservation, the Latinx Student Initiatives requested $4,300 for venue reservation, Sparkle’s Squad requested $5,000 for uniforms and Iranian Students’ Scholars’ Association requested $3,510 for food and venue reservation.

All funding bills are separate and will be voted on and discussed separately by Student Government.

Currently, Student Government does not allow for any procedures to be waived, but they do allow for the suspension of rules. Senator Zachary Mass and Senator Jacob Ludwig introduced a bill to change that.

The bill would require any Senate member to introduce the motion to waive and would need a second. The motion would then call for an affirmative two-thirds vote.

For more information or to contact your senator, visit The Senate meetings are open to the public at 7 p.m. Wednesdays in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.