Some on-the-go snacks


Some on-the-go snacks

Shelby Kramer

Granola Bars

Some granola bars are loaded with sugar, often with just as much as your average candy bar. Plus, some the processed ingredients in certain granola bars are just awful, so choose wisely. One generally trusted brand is Kasha’s TLC Chewy and Crunchy Granola Bars. They contain basic ingredients and contain a hefty 5 grams of fiber a piece. 


Yeah, it’s a drink, but it’s still filling. Throw some fresh or frozen fruit, yogurt, milk or whatever else in your blender and away you go. You can also put in some ground flax seed to add some extra punch to your antioxidant-rich smoothie. Flax is a great source of fiber. 

Fruits and berries

This is an obvious choice that requires little to no explanation … so there’s no explanation. Just eat fruits and berries. 


They’re just the perfect snack. They’re portable, clean to eat, filled with protein and some studies have shown they can help prevent prevalent diseases, like diabetes, heart disease, etc. Keep in moderation, though, because these little suckers are easy to overeat. 


Hummus is a sort of dip made from chickpeas, so it can be difficult to eat on the go. Good thing is that Sabra makes single-serve, to-go hummus with pretzel crisps. It’s more of a chore to eat, but it’s a great source of fiber, folate, iron, etc. 


Mini cheese snacks are great, but they do require refrigeration, which can be a pain. Mini Babble cheeses are the little wax-wrapped deals at the store, and string cheese can be found anywhere, even at local convenience stores. Pop some cheese with another nutritional snack for a good pick-me-up hunger-fighter during the day. 

Hard-boiled eggs

These also have to stay refrigerated, plus they can be a pain to prepare. Other than that, they’re an easy-to-eat and healthy option.