Five things to do during Dead Week

Jake Christensen

Dead Week is officially upon us and since that means we have fewer classes, it is like we have all the time in the world. The true purpose of Dead Week is for reading, review and recitation but let’s be honest, many of us will be using it for other purposes. Instead, people tend to take it easy the first few days before slowly becoming mentally unhinged by the end of the week. Whether we’re sleeping in or telling ourselves we deserve just one more day of relaxation before cracking open our textbooks, we will do just about anything besides study. Here are some of those activities:

1. Watch as much Netflix as possible.

During the semester there never seemed to be enough time to fit in watching all of your favorite TV shows or getting around to watching that movie you’ve had sitting in your instant queue. Now that you have a full week of freedom you’ve got plenty of time to finish all 10 seasons of “Friends” or watch Bruce Lee’s iconic kung-fu thriller “Return of the Dragon.” No matter what you prefer, Netflix offers an endless variety of choices to help you distract yourself from that looming econ final.

2. Catching up on sleep

Throughout the semester students have lost a significant amount of rest by pulling occasional all-nighters to work on projects or cram for a big exam.  Now that it’s finally dead week you are able to pull 12-hour sleeping sessions, as well as taking naps throughout the day.

3. Calculate the lowest grade you can get on a final to still pass the class

While some students are aiming to get the highest possible test score they can get, many others are simply willing to get the minimum score in order to do satisfactory in the course. Unfortunately this may also be quite high, refer to number four to help cope with this.

4. Drink alarming quantities of alcohol.

This week you are not required to attend those dreaded 8 a.m. classes that have been forcing you to regulate your alcohol consumption all semester. Might as well take full advantage of the situation, plus it may help distract you from the fact that finals are less than a week away.

5. Become hysterical

Does this one even need explanation? Finals Week is one of the most stressful times of the year for students. As it draws closer and closer, people tend to slowly lose their minds and panic.