Fight fatigue, boost energy



Shelby Kramer

Hit up the power foods

It’s all too common to hit a wall during the day, but you can help prevent it. When you’re feeling groggy, reach for the energy foods. Sugar rushes are awful for obvious reasons, so look for snacks containing protein and a complex carbohydrate. Try a peanut butter sandwich on whole-wheat bread or some whole-grain crackers with low-fat cheese.

Amp up your breakfast

Make it your goal to start your day with a high-carb and high-fiber breakfast. Whole-wheat toast, high-fiber cereal, a bowl of berries or a bowl of oatmeal are some good options.

Remember to pace yourself

Overworking can be super detrimental to your health and psychological state. Don’t push yourself too hard, whether it’s working out, doing schoolwork, working your job, etc. Do what you need to do, and remember to take a break every now and again. Pacing yourself can actually help you get more done because those breaks help you relax and clear your mind so you can come back to work harder, faster and more efficiently.

Don’t forget your exercise

If you’re feeling down, go on a walk. Getting drowsy? Take the stairs. Getting your blood flowing, clearing your head, improving your self-image and whatever other things can be associated with exercising are obvious ways to combat fatigue.

Ditch the “rewards” and “splurges”

It can be easy to get caught up in a busy day. You’re getting a lot accomplished, and, with that, comes the temptation of rewards. So you’re groggy and you’ve worked hard; you deserve an energy drink and a Snickers, right? Not quite. Yeah, you’ve worked hard, but you can reward yourself in better ways (like splurging on a smoothie or taking a longer relaxation break) that can help you out health-wise and self-wise in the long run.