Letter: Pavlich lecture disappoints

Before I address the lecture that featured Katie Pavlich on March 10th, I would first like to give my thanks to the survivors of sexual assault that spoke during the Q&A portion of the lecture. Although your questions were belittled and answered with sincere disrespect, you have my deepest respect. 

I understand that the ISU Lectures Program aims to bring a diverse number of lecturers to the university, but never have I been so appalled as I was by the lack of humility displayed by Ms. Pavlich. There I sat, in awe of the bravery the survivors possessed, and she quickly cut them off, disgustedly answered, rolled her eyes and gave horrific responses to their questions. One woman spoke of her assault as a child, and Pavlich simply responded with, “Well, a parent should have been around to stop that.” And when women spoke of their sexual assault or rape done to them by acquaintances, the answer given was to kill them. Is it really that simple to you, Ms. Pavlich? Is taking a life that easy for you? 

I am writing this not to start any political debates. I’m not doing this to instigate hurtful, anonymous comments on this article. I am writing this because we all need to acknowledge the injustices done by Ms. Pavlich. I will not stand by when others around me, whether friends or complete strangers, are put down for having the strength to stand up and advocate for others. I sincerely hope that the Lectures Program will think twice about bringing lecturers like Ms. Pavlich to Iowa State in the future.