10 rules of boozing

source: http://cdn.builtlean.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/alcohol-weight-loss-1.jpg

source: http://cdn.builtlean.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/alcohol-weight-loss-1.jpg

Shelby Kramer

1. If you do something really stupid, you don’t get to blame the alcohol.


2. Water and Gatorade, greasy food and lots of Netflix.


3. If someone buys you a drink, return the favor.


4. Open bars are dangerous games. Play wisely.


5. Never complain about the brand of a free drink. Suck it up, it was free.


6. Beer is food, wine goes with food and cocktails need food.


7. It’s okay to drink alone … but not too often.


8. Don’t lose common respect for people just because you’re inebriated.


9. If after seven drinks the guy/girl you’re checking out is still a five, then give it up. He/she won’t be going up the scale anymore than that.


10. Nobody likes the drunken fighter. Keep a cool head.