Letter: No justification for Bakken pipeline

There is absolutely no justification for allowing the Dakota Access (Bakken) pipeline through Iowa.

The fracked oil is highly flammable, dirty crude so unsafe that no buildings are permitted on its 50-foot easements! The oil’s ultimate destination is to Gulf Coast refineries, to be sold on the international open market. This oil enriches an out-of-state, pass-through corporation and its shareholdersbut not the people of Iowa, whose land and water will be endangered.

Eminent domain does not justify giving Dakota Access the right to take Iowans’ land. Eminent domain is an abuse of power because the proposed  pipeline does not serve the public good and is not a public service.

Noted economist David Swenson concluded that Bakken has grossly distorted the number and nature of any jobs created. Only 12-15 jobs will actually remain full-time. Any economic benefits will be short-term only.  

All pipelines leak; all cement casings crack. More than 1,200 pipeline accidents were reported in the last three years, in addition to 372 leaks and spills in the past 16 months! This cost $265 million in damages. The Bakken pipeline is larger than the one in Montana, which recently leaked 30,000 gallons of oil into the once-scenic Yellowstone River. Leaks can affect soil 30 feet deep! The proposed Bakken pipeline would go under eight of our major rivers! And the company admitted it doesn’t have adequate plans or resources for detecting leaks. While leaks cost millions to clean up, Dakota Access has a surety bond for only $250,000. When the pipeline leaks, the Iowa taxpayer will be paying. 

Government’s overriding role is to protect its people and preserve what we share. Iowa’s people and natural resources need protection.

Urge the Iowa Utilities Board to stand up for Iowa’s people and our shared natural resources: deny the proposed Bakken Oil pipeline.