Hide your drink with the fake baby koozie


by Shelby Kramer, [email protected]

source: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B9HXvnQCUAAE4GX.jpg:large

Shelby Kramer

Kickstarter has been at the root of numerous strange things, but this is pushing it.

Long story short, it’s a fake baby doll that holds your drink in its innards. Besides it being completely weird to tote a baby to your alcohol-related functions, you drink … from the top of its head. Nothing like sucking the noggin of an obviously plastic doll koozie.

There’s just so much wrong with that last sentence, I can’t even.

So obviously this thing is real, but it’s not for real. Regardless, it’s ridiculous and only a little cool. I would say it’s best left as a gag gift, if anything. Even that might be stretching it a bit. The humor behind the concept is a little disturbing.

Surprisingly, the serious/not-so-serious product is asking for some serious coin. 50,000 big ones, to be exact. According to Gizmodo.com, “The Cool Baby” team has only been able to reach seven grand. Expectedly not reaching the crazy funding goal, but shocking that the team has managed to raise even seven big ones.

Childcare can now be — quite unsuccessfully — used to mask public drinking. ‘Merica.