Things to do outside this week

Dustin Edle

Iowa is experiencing a heat wave this week, so it’s a perfect chance to turn Netflix off, roll off the couch and do outside things like the active college student you aren’t.

  1. Walk to class. It might take longer and your feet might hurt, but at least you don’t have to put up with other people standing uncomfortably close to you on the bus or avoiding the parking division while trying to find an open parking spot.
  2. Hang out on central campus. Bring a boom box, picnic blanket and be sure to step in all the mud that’s bound to be waiting for you. To make things more interesting, you could try the central campus streaking challenge in broad daylight!

  3. Take some nature photography. This time of year, everything is either melting snow or mud, and there’s no greenery yet, so it’s the perfect chance to take some of the most unattractive pictures of the year!

  4. BBQ with friends. Even if you only have one of those tiny charcoal grills, you can still cook a mean hot dog. Either that, or find your one friend who is good at grilling and offer them some booze if they make you a burger.

  5. Ride a bike. It doesn’t even have to be yours, just check the bike racks on campus for unchained bikes and borrow it for a spin. Extra points if you narrowly avoid the CyRide or blast through a four way stop during rush hour.

  6. Friday after class. It’s a time honored college tradition, but why wait to go to the bars when you can do it outside? Also, why wait till after class? Get a jump on the weekend by bringing a flask to your Friday 8 am. #FridayDuringClass

  7. Go back inside. Let’s be honest, the great outdoors are cool, but they aren’t streaming Django Unchained or all 10 seasons of Friends. It’ll be warm out all summer anyway!