Presidential race starts early

Noah Cary

With 2015 just starting you would think that the next presidential election is not yet news worthy. However, Republicans are ramping up for a big race. With the first Iowa Freedom Summit taking place just over a week ago, some are saying the presidential race has started. Polls in Iowa already show strong support for Scott Walker, R-Wis. Walker has been successful in his home state working with a bipartisan majority. Walker has successfully governed, while clearing debt and avoiding a recall.

Other potential candidates eyeing a spot at the White House include Dr. Ben Carson, who is a well-known neurosurgeon; Marco Rubio, R-Fla. and Ted Cruz, R-Texas.

Former Gov. George Pataki has also announced that he is considering a run. Pataki was the Governor of New York from 1994-2006 and overcame many challenges while in office.

Well-known Republican Mitt Romney has officially declared that he will not be running again in 2016. This comes after weeks of speculation that Romney would be an early frontrunner in the Iowa caucuses.

Well-known Democrat Hillary Clinton is also hinting that she will be looking to run in 2016. She has a lot of momentum in the Democratic party, however, she is currently facing opposition because of her role in the response to the Benghazi attack that took place in 2012, killing U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens.

Though many candidates are eyeing a bid, not all will make it to the Iowa caucuses due to a lack of funding or a lack of support. Iowa plays a key role in the presidential election process because we are the state that kicks off the presidential election officially every year with our caucusing. Winners of each caucus generally gains momentum, which carries them for weeks after and sometimes even helps them win the bid for their party. Though the caucuses are just under a year a way, the fight has already begun.