Business wardrobe essentials for women


by Shelby Kramer, [email protected]

Business wardrobe essentials for women

Shelby Kramer

This is by no means a foolproof guide to proper business dress, but it’s a start. A woman in the workplace can always rely on pantsuits and other professional attire, but outfit combinations can be fun and more comfortable. Here are a couple things that every businesswoman should have in her closet:

 A clean, well-fitting pair of black pants is a very versatile, essential thing to have in your closet. Black pants and a plain black pencil skirt are a safe option to fall back on because they can go with just about anything.

It’s also a good idea to have a pair of both nude heels and plain black heels because they’re also reliable options in a fashion crunch. Pay attention to the height of the heel and whether or not it’s in style. It can be easy to throw some shoes in the back of your closet and forget that you bought them in high school.

Pantyhose are essential in a businesswoman’s wardrobe arsenal. There’s a fashion “rule” against having bare legs when wearing a dress or skirt, so make sure you’re proper and utilize hose. When you’re buying them, though, pay attention to the color. Pantyhose colors range from dark black to chocolate brown to fair skin color, so choose wisely and appropriately. The same goes for sizing. Also, take caution when wearing pantyhose as a rip can be embarrassing to deal with for the day.  

Jewelry isn’t always necessary, but the right jewelry pieces can make or break an outfit. When in doubt, though, less is more. It’s good to have a decent stock of both basic gold and basic silver jewelry. Earrings don’t really apply here because those should almost always be more conservative, but pick your pieces at your own discretion. It’s a good rule of thumb to stay away from flashy, glittery pieces and jewelry that makes too much noise.

Some last attire essentials are layering pieces, including cardigans, camisoles, blazers, jackets and any other sort of layer-worthy piece of fabric. Nowadays, layering is fashionable and it can be fun to mix and match pieces to make a new outfit. Keep in mind your professional workplace, however, and stay away from sticking brights, too many zippers, overly busy patterns and other obnoxious pieces.