Ward: Meninists are a ‘slap in the face’ to women’s rights


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Madison Ward

They’re demanding equal rights. Not women, men. Sound crazy? Well that’s because it is and even more than that, it is a complete slap in the face to every woman who has ever voted, worn pants or had a high authority career. They are saying 2015 is going to be the year of the “meninist” and I say if it is, this is actually going to be the year that men go extinct.

The Twitter account first disgraced the world at the end of 2014 with a guy in desperate need of a shave and a sign referencing the film “Magic Mike.” The sign reads, “I need meninism because the movie ‘Magic Mike’ promotes an unrealistic expectation of how men’s bodies should look.” This is one of the more mild examples of the atrocity this account has unleashed on the world, which is saying something. However, it stands to be mentioned that men have been doing the exact same thing to women by watching cheap pornographic films far longer than women have been watching Channing Tatum dance around.

Anyone with a Twitter or Tumblr account has undoubtedly seen the word appear on their feed at one time or another but for clarity, “meninist” means a group of men who are threatened by women and their power, and then proceed to make a mockery out of feminine progress. My personal spin on the lengthy definition — men who need to grow a pair.

Taking a look back on 2014, it becomes fairly obvious that it was a feminist filled year. Beyoncé danced in front of the word Feminist at the VMAs, Emma Watson shook the world with her speech for the U.N. on gender equality and Malala Yousafzai became the youngest person to win a Nobel Prize and turned into an inspiration for women everywhere. Basically, it was the year of the women, so I can see how men would have their ego bruised a little bit for not having the spotlight on them the entire year for a change, but women deserve credit for their accomplishments and moreover, success is not an excuse to defame women. After all, historically speaking, women have had to fight for every single right we have today, so why wouldn’t we celebrate that?

Clearly, men don’t see it this way and have taken to social media to spread their platform on rape, domestic abuse and gender inequality, and how it isn’t their fault. Reading this conglomeration of memes and social media posts made steam come out of my ears because each and every stance these men take is utterly disgusting. To really see what I mean, head to the aforementioned link.

The post that really put me over the edge was a failed attempt at a rape awareness poster, but this time the men were playing the victim and blaming us for getting raped. The poster reads, “Just because you made him ejaculate … doesn’t mean he wanted it. Circumcluding — act of enclosing on all sides — his penis without asking for consent = sexual assault. Don’t be that girl.”

To break this down a little, women don’t make men ejaculate unless they are a willing participant. If a man ejaculates during a sexual encounter where the woman is not willingly participating, then the man ejaculates because he wanted to and not because his victim was spurring him on. If that does get him off, then he’s a serial rapist, but that is another concern for another day.

Additionally, one may come at the heinous add from a mathematical point of view as well. Statistically speaking, men are only the victim of an attempted or completed sexual assault 3 percent of the time, while a woman is the victim in 9 of 10 sexual assault cases in the United States.

There is not a doubt in my mind that no one even considered the reality of that poster when they made it, nor did those who made this group go viral think of the severity of their claims. Everyday women take on the world and run the risk of getting sexually assaulted. Granted, men experience the same risk but as I have pointed out, the risk is a lot slimmer. They do great things regardless of that risk and that is something we should be proud of.

We face cat calls, sexual passes, rape and abuse, yet we have still risen to the occasion and done great things for this country and the world. With all that being said, perhaps it’s the men who need to re-evaluate their place in the world. Instead of coming up with insulting social media posts to bring women down a peg or two, they should get off their asses and do something with their lives. Everything women have fought for and everything we fight against is warranted and as soon as men see that, “meninists” won’t have a leg to stand on.