Letter: Breitbarth, Sweere correct choice for GSB

Dan Breitbarth and Megan Sweere have presented an excellent case for why they should be the next president and vice president of student government.

They have more time on student government than the opposing ticket, with Dan and Megan holding critical roles on many committees.

Their platform ideas are exactly what Iowa State needs. They are the only candidates whose main objective is to alleviate overcrowding, an issue that we all know needs to be addressed. Dan and Megan want to create more space for students in the MU, the Library and on the sidewalks. Dan has already worked with the university in the past to build a new sidewalk near the MWL bus stop and has the experience to work on the issue in the future.

Veishea is another topic in which Dan and Megan are the clear choice. Last April, Dan and Megan created 4 the Love of Iowa State, an event that attracted nearly 1,000 people after the Veishea cancellation. They have the experience to bring back an event like Veishea that no other candidates have.

I strongly encourage you to cast your vote for Breitbarth and Sweere, who will bring No BS to campus! Vote March 3 and 4 at vote.iastate.edu.