Letter: A different view of campus sexual assaults

Currently there is much buzz on campus regarding sexual assault and efforts to combat it. GSB President Hillary Kletscher has announced the “ItsOnUs” campaign. “ItsOnUs” claims that 1 in 5 women are sexually assaulted on campus. However, the campaign has not provided any references as to where they got the 1 in 5 number from.

I was alarmed at this number because it seems on the surface that college and university campuses are more dangerous then Detroit, Chicago and even the former Yugoslavia. If 1 in 5 women are truly sexually assaulted, parents who send their young daughters to these crime-ridden places should be alarmed. However what is even more alarming is that the 1 in 5 number is a false number. According to the Department of Justice’s numbers, the ratio of sexual assaults on campus is actually 1 in 42.

While these numbers are too high and the acceptable number of sexual assaults should be zero, the actual statistics are a far cry from the 1 in 5 line that we are to believe without question. The 1 in 5 number comes from a biased poll sampled by only two universities. The questions used during the poll did not include the words “rape” or “sexual assault.” The questions basically asked if one had a sexual encounter that they regretted. That is where the 1 in 5 number comes from.

When asked during a GSB meeting if alternative voices outside of the radical campus feminist left were allowed on the ItsOnUs committee, the reply was “no.” It is unfortunate that those who purport to “fight against sexual assault” are willing to exclude those who have a different view and solution. For those who are interested in a real solution rather than the 30 to 40-year-old tried and failed tactics of “raising awareness” and “bystander intervention,” the College Republicans along with Young America’s Foundation and the Committee on Lectures will be hosting Katie Pavlich, who will be giving a talk on “Sexual Assault on Campus, A Conservative Perspective.” This will take place at 8 p.m. March 4 in the Great Hall.

You will hear about why its the hookup culture and party culture rather than a phony “rape culture” that is the problem. You will also hear about the failures of “raising awareness,” “telling men not to rape” — we do that actually, Rape and Sexual Assault are considered felonies. Rape whistles, call boxes, “Take Back the Night” and bystander intervention does not work.

Instead, come hear about letting women on campus as well as men exercise their Second Amendment right to defend themselves on campus. Sexual assault is a serious issue and should be free from ideological propaganda masquerading as statistics. It’s On Us to get the actual facts on this issue and to come to realistic solutions rather than following a political agenda! For those of us who have known actual victims of rape and sexual assault, groups like ItsOnUs and other radical feminists spit in their faces.

Lying about sexual assault and rape and denying due process toward those accused of such do not do justice or help in the healing process toward real survivors.