Holiday food and drinks

Lindsey Wanninger

The holidays are all about spending time with your friends and family. Whether you are hosting a party or attending one, it is always a good idea to provide food and drinks for the guests. Everyone is busy this time of year, so below are some fast and easy food ideas to bring to your next holiday party.

Fruit Santa Hats

This healthy option from Clean and Scentsible is making Santa hats out of fruit. All you need is a toothpick, marshmallows, strawberries, sliced bananas and green grapes.

First, take the toothpick and stick it through the middle of the grape so it goes through the seed, then take a slice of banana and stick that on top of the grape, followed by the strawberry and then the marshmallow on top.

Krispie Treat Christmas Tree

Another fun idea is making a Christmas tree out of Rice Krispie treats. To get the green treats, when the marshmallows are mostly melted, add green food coloring. Continue to follow the original recipe. Once they are done, cut them up into squares and then stack them up so they are in the shape of a Christmas tree. Place M&M’s all over so it looks like ornaments and top it off with a yellow Laffy Taffy in the shape of a star. Check out the Cookies and Cups blog for a more detailed step-by-step instruction.

Peppermint White Russians


• 2 oz. Peppermint Mocha Kahlua

• 1 oz. vodka cream

• 2 oz. cream or milk

Mix all of these ingredients together and serve! It’s that simple! Check out the Pink Parsley website for the detailed recipe and more holiday beverage ideas.

Pinterest has a ton of holiday food and drink ideas for children and adults. You will be sure to find what you are looking for, or at least inspiration for creating your own holiday food and drinks.