Gifts for specific people

Saige Heyer

‘Tis the season for Christmas shopping and if you haven’t figured out what to get certain people in your family for Christmas, here are a few things to give you a starting point.


It’s often easy to get your mom things she needs, such as kitchen utensils or appliances, rather than things she wants. One way to avoid this is to find out what it is she actually wants, whether you ask for a list, casually bring it up during a conversation or sneak around and try to figure it out.

Some ideas of things you may be able to get your mom is a new bottle of her favorite perfume, something to help decorate the house or something to help her relax. Most moms will not object to a day at the spa.

It can be  a hit-or-miss when it comes to buying gifts for your dad. Some dads have their hobbies and interests, such as hunting or tennis, but not much gear to go with them so anything that has to do with their hobby or interest will work. Other dads, however, go buy anything they need and want as soon as they need or want it. This makes gift buying a bit more difficult since they don’t really keep a running list of what they have or want.

Therefore, your best bet is to still get them anything that goes along with their hobbies and interests and simply make sure to get a gift receipt.


Grandparents are probably the easiest to buy for. They are so proud of their grandchildren and so appreciative of receiving gifts from them that they don’t really care what it is. Personalized DIY gifts would be a good idea for grandparents because the gifts will help them brag about you just a little more and is relatively inexpensive for you.

Significant other

Buying a Christmas gift for your significant other is something that requires a lot of planning before you go shopping, however there are often hints dropped if you know to look for them. Gentleman, many girls will drop hints here and there, so be on the lookout. Ladies, be as obvious as possible when you drop those hints and make sure you’re paying just as much attention to what he wants.