Things To Know about Lease Dates

Erin Parro

There comes a time that the apartment lease contract needs to be signed. For new or inexperienced renters, there are many things to look out for when searching for the right apartment.

Here are a few steps to consider when looking over a lease contract.  

  1. Read the contract thoroughly.

  • Spend the time to go through the contract. Not all contracts or renters agreements are the same. It is the renter’s responsibility to read the fine detail and make sure they know what they are getting themselves into.

      2.  Check gaps in your lease dates.

  • Landlords may require renters to move out during a certain period to repair or update the apartment. If the renter does not plan to leave during a break, make sure to find an apartment that allows staying over breaks.

      3. Know what happens when your lease runs out.

  • Landlords need to fill their apartments. Talk to the landlord about renewing a lease.