Letter: Join in on supporting Rachel Junck
Kennedy DeRaedt/Iowa State Daily
Ames City Council meets Jan. 15 in City Hall to discuss the 2019-2024 Capital Improvements Plan. Staff members gave a presentation on their recommendations for the next five years.
October 27, 2019
I am excited that Rachel Junck is running for 4th Ward City Council. One of my biggest concerns is our environment. I am pleased that Rachel recognizes the global challenge of protecting our earth from the crisis of irreversible ecological damage and extreme weather that leads to human suffering.
She feels that the city of Ames should do their part and will work to adopt a plan that will help us reduce our emissions and become carbon neutral. She is supportive of municipal composting, recycling and waste reduction programs. Rachel’s background in STEM will provide the skills and knowledge to help accomplish this.
As a young woman, she will also work to keep Ames a place where young people can build their future. A recent statistic said that the average age of an Ames resident is 27.3 years. I know she will support affordable housing and quality of life programs that will make Ames attractive not only to these young people but also to ISU graduates who enjoy coming back to Ames in retirement.
Rachel will work to support diversity in Ames and the newly formed city of Ames Diversity and Inclusion Team. All people should feel welcome in Ames; Rachel will take steps to make our city more inclusive and accessible to all who visit or call Ames home.
Rachel will be an intelligent and dedicated city councillor, using her experience as a student and lifelong resident to represent all Ames citizens.
If you want more information about her, please visit rachelforames.com to make an informed decision. Please join me, a longtime resident of the 4th Ward, in voting for Rachel Junck in the Nov. 5 election.