5 Tips for a successful Finals Week

Wendy Cardwell

As the end of the semester approaches, students at Iowa State are beginning to prepare for finals. Here are some tips and tricks to make sure you’re ready:

1. College finals are not the same as high school finals. 

In high school, many students could get by without studying very hard. In college, there is a lot more preparation for final exams. Most students start studying a week in advance. 

2. Start early

Begin making study tools, reviewing study guides, and flashcards. 

3. Write it down

Writing down your notes helps students remember better than just listening or reading them. 

4. Have regular breaks

Studying for long periods of time can be tiring and requires a lot of concentration. Every couple of hours, have a break to rest your mind. Students can watch a half hour of TV, take a nap or blow off steam at the gym. 

5. Remove all distractions. 

Removing all distractions is crucial to having a good study session. If students remove the distractions, they won’t be tempted to use their cellphone, iPad or TV. 

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