The night before finals

Sammi Berrafato

‘Twas the night before finals, and all through the campus, not a student was studying, not even with coffee.

The books were resting on each desk with dust, just hoping to be opened before finals with trust.

The students were nestled all snug in their beds, while memories of procrastination danced in their heads.

With my roommate on Netflix and I playing trivia crack, tommorow’s test preparations really lacked.

When the alarm went off so early in the morning, students sprang from their beds to catch Cyride in a hurry.

In sweatpants and snowboots they stomped to the classroom, sat down in a desk and pulled out their pencil.

The TA hands out the test to students dripping with sweat, only an hour to finish, the students must not fret.

“Not A, Not B, not four C’s in a row, scantrons, scantrons, only three more to go!”

The students left in daze, trying to calculate their score, dooms day was waiting, and parents questions nauseating.

Once the last scantron was finished and the library was empty, the students went home to celebrate with their families.

But before the holidays begin we have one more fight,

Happy Finals to all, and to all a large curve!